It started out with a playful April Fool's joke on my children. They were so mad! As a mother I have to be creative at getting them out of bed in the morning, so I told Nathaniel and Wyatt that his birthday present came early this year! His birthday is on the 5th. Man oh, man they were up fast that morning! And so very mad at me when they realized I was just joking. Nathaniel stomped his feet and yelled "I didn't believe you! I didn't believe you! I was just checking!" Poor sport. He got over it!
So after countless days of revising his list, we hosted a birthday party on the beach for Nathaniel. He stayed in the truck the whole time! He's not the beach bum I was as a child. We flew kites, laughed, played, ran and ate. No, we didn't but the intent was there! After a few hours of hanging with the kids, I threw the family's easter dinner while my boys went to their Grannies for cake and ice-cream with my babies' daddy's side of the family :P Nathaniel has always been a little different than other kids, and for his birthday he was adamant that he would get a Question Mark Cake. So his awesome "sister" whipped it up, and made him the happiest kid around :)
Then life changed... My dear sister Bev's son was shot and killed early this month. What a tragic event it has been, and what a waste of an amazing young man. I didn't not spend a lot of time with Brent. Bev moved to Neepawa a good 15 years ago. But he was family, and he was loved. 23 years of age this amazing young man had RRSP's, a Savings Account, and Life Insurance. I am so very impressed with his maturity at such a young age. I am also so very saddened by how he died. A 21 year old kid that he didn't even know, shot him because he wouldn't let him in the party. This my fans, is utterly pointless and such a complete waste! My father, my sister, my family, no longer untouched by tragedy. Out of the 12 sisters, 2 brothers, 40+ nieces and nephews, and 10+ great nieces and nephews, we are down by one. And for this Moore clan, it was so hard to take :( The funeral was held in Manitoba, and I didn't go. Sigh. I couldn't go.
Life has been crazy! I have been humbled, and feel certain that I have learned some serious lessons in this past month. I have learned that my love is not conditional, and therefore I cannot impose conditions on others, nor them on me. I learned that I am not the good looking 20 year old that I was 5 year ago. No, I'm kidding. I have learned that true friends... are there not to judge you, but to love you. I don't know what I am going to do, but I feel change hovering in the air around me. I know that I am at a point in which I need to make a decision about my future and how that is going to look, and I truly think I am ready to make it happen. What do "they" say? Be the change you want to be.
I lost 10lbs this month! whoot whoot!